The firm of Putnam and Block have in their office plans prepared for a large hotel to be erected at the lake beach, similar in style to that of the Hotel Brighton at Coney Island. The building, which will be located at the terminus of the Rochester and Charlotte Boulevard, will be four stories high and have three hundred feet frontage and sixty feet depth. It will be finished with a tower and large roomy verandas, and is to be constructed with special reference to the comfort of the families who may make it their residence during the summer months The lower part will have a large dining room, waiting parlors, billiard room, etc.; the upper stories will be devoted to parlors and sleeping rooms and all the conveniences that are found in a first-class seaside hotel will be provided. A feature of the hotel will be a long covered pier running out into the lake a distance of 250 feet, with a dancing pavillion sixty feet square at the outer end. Steps will descend from the pavillion to the water's edge for the accommodation of those desiring to ride in the boats and the first story of the pier will be occupied for nearly the whole length by bath houses, from the doors of which bathers can step right into the water.
I don't know if this was built or built as described.